Sunday, August 21, 2005

The tale of the missing curtain.

Everyone loves a bargain. So when I saw the seduce warehouse sale on, I knew I had to go. Despite Melbourne’s weather competing with London’s grey skies, (it was pretty grey the whole day and at work we all thought that it was already night time by 4:30pm) I rang one of my friends to come with me to Prahran.

Marching our way to Greville Street, I didn’t know why I was excited. (Must have been the shopping withdrawals I’ve had the last few weeks). Anyway as per usual we saw the usual crowd of girls hoarding all the sexy dresses and tops. I didn’t see anything super special although my friend and I decided to try on a few.

There we were itching to get to the fitting rooms with our potential buys when all of the sudden my friend said, “Sh*t there’s no curtains.” “Okay let’s go to the next one”. I said. The same thing! It was no bargain or give it a go. So my friend and I took courage and went in the ‘so-called’ fitting rooms.

I know I’ve already had my fat moment whinge on my last blog. But sheez, talk about giving myself a complex with this experience! There we were on the corner hiding our unkempt winter bodies like we were back in high school PE. While these xs-small girls would parade around in knickers and bra IN FRONT OF THE ONLY MIRROR in that stupid fitting-room. (Okay maybe fitting area more like it!) Of course there’s one particular girl who had to look exceptionally good in her undies and HEELS. Every dress she tried on looked good that other girls were commenting on her too. There she was slinking her way into ‘I can be in the party pictures section in Herald-Sun paper’ dress. She turned around and of course she has to be someone popular from my high school. (This is the same girl who carries a designer bag then puts it on middle of the nightclub floor to dance). Talk about reliving high school! It was definitely a sign telling us it was time to go, so we bolted outta there with our stuff. (At least we didn't come out empty handed. YAY!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

search of the skinny leg jean

Definitely having girly fat moments.... To those girls who doesn't get 'em fat moments... can leave my blog now... :P hehe

I’ve been dreading this for a long time now. I know it’s been cold this winter, eating crap, well really rich food and no outdoor activities. I’ve been looking at so many magazine covering the spring collection that I decided to look around and update my clothes.

Boy was that a big mistake! Those Lee supa-skinny jeans in peachy pink were an absolute shocker. Maybe in black? Hmmm... Not only I came out empty-handed (which is a good thing I suppose), but I had a definite reality check. Ouch. Imagine if I even tried a pair of Tsubi jeans? HA! I’m not even gonna go there. Then again... Pls tell me I'm not the only one that take hours better yet a couple of window shopping before I can get the 'perfect' pair of jeans? Too short? too low? flat butt? sausage legs?

Enough whinging. Two words for me, "get off yer ass rio!" haha... okay maybe five? :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

PJs - outwear trendspotting

Okay so we've seen Lindsay Lohan strutting around the airport in her pink pjs. But it doesn't justify people or specifically young girls wearing them outside the comforts of their rooms! Seriously I've seen at least four chicks in less than a week taking it to extreme and wearing them to shopping centres, maccas and better yet to school. Yes they are comfortable. They are warm this winter and I must agree they make them really cute nowadays especially Peter Alexander Pjs. But for everyday look? I know the bed head hair look caught up a few years ago. But do we really want to look like we just woke up? Okay I'll confess I was wearing my sleepwear and gown to dash to the milk bar to buy milk one morning. Imagine if everyone just wear their PJs to work? We might as well just wake up and brush our teeth. Don't bother brushing your hair. Oh better yet don't bother brushing your teeth at all... It's the new "I definitely just woke up look".

Hey that's one good thing, maybe that way no one should be late for school or work at all.

Monday, August 08, 2005

25 on 15

It was my birthday last month on St. Buenaventure’s day. I was suppose to blog about it at that time but got caught up with so many things. Don’t ask me why I even forgot my haircut appointment the following day. :P I want to thank everyone who remembered to greet me on that day. It was really sweet considering that I didn’t want to celebrate the day. Nevertheless, it was a great day spending time with family and friends for dinner!

Curious what my husband got me for my birthday as his wife? Of course, clothes and shoes. Plus a bonus he took me to Barcelona. Not in Spain, (oh how I wish!). But yes it is this really cool tapas place in St. Kilda. He brought me there because it reminded him of our trip overseas a few months ago. *sigh*

Since that’s old news, I have to start saving money for all these fabulous Leos celebrating their day. You know who you guys are. ;)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Recovered stuff.....

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Another one....
Fourth day on the job that week and counting, I'm buggered doing shift work and it's almost the end of the day. I overheard my co-worker asked the other if they knew a Mr. X. Curious how our patients are going, I asked her the update on Mr. X. She recalled, "Remember Mr. X, was diagnosed about 18 months ago. He went for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, the works. He was so happy that he was given the all clear by the oncologist and thanked everyone a few weeks back. Well two months later down the track he died from a massive stroke. He was in intensive care and they turned the machine off and he had his last breath".

I was shocked, well more so surprised. (Yes I still get surprised with those kinds of stories you know, even though I work in the C ward). Mr. X was this BIG guy. He's more than 6-foot tall, chunky guy goes fishing. I mean, he looked great. But who would have thought? I believe God has a plan for all of us. You can never predict when it's time for us to go. No medicine or luck, ANYTHING can change when we are going to die. It's like that story about that Aussie guy who survived the Bali bombings, Tsunami and the London bombings. I wonder how he feels? Is he celebrating life? Is he happy to be with his partner, family and friends?

It's really weird, a recent study shows that millionaires are not content with their lives. They feel overworked and feel that they are not financially stable. How can that be? I think I should start small. Live life. Get a hobby. (Besides blog of course).
posted by ri0 @ 10:59 PM 0 comments

New Hobby
On my day off I decided to go to the city to roam around hoping to get a bargain. Anyhoo... I was very lazy to go by public transport and decided to drive to the city. As a loyal Melbourne Central shopper, I have no problems with parking in the city! After walking around aimlessly thinking of what I should buy, I started getting bored and restless seeing the same thing over and over again. Okay maybe after buying myself a Becca foundation and a new moisturiser, I saw myself bored with shopping and decided to go to church and spoke to a priest.

"Have you got any hobbies?" he asked. I looked at the wall blankly, looked at him and thought, "Sheez, I had no clue what I do as a hobby. He's spot on". Probably because I do not have any time to have a hobby yet alone catch up with any of my friends, or do anything I really like, or better yet with PASSION. For the last few years I've been working most of the time that I don't have time to enjoy myself. I even thought it was Saturday on a Tuesday morning. Everything just looked the same to me!

Walking away from church made me realise, I should get myself a cheaper hobby (other than spending $) or maybe get a life. Maybe he's correct, I shouldn't be so hard on myself.
posted by ri0 @ 10:29 PM 0 comments

Friday, July 08, 2005
Time to go to bed...
As a typical novice blogger, I'm wide-awake at night trying to think of things to write. Some people are really good at typing up funny stuff, but I must admit that it is HARD stuff. I'm not sure how long I would keep this up. But this is something I would like to try out for a bit. AND we shall see how I will go. I don't like keeping promises so I'm almost 'apologetic' to those lurkers out there who would read my rubbish. People might think, then why start one now? Why waste another good blog site if I'm not going to do anything about it? Why did you even bother? But you know what? I don't care. :)

Today is my day-off from another busy fortnight from work. I'm not sure what my weekend has in-store for me but for sure I'll be sleeping in and catch with everything else. Later. Lately, I feel like work has surely taken over my life that I forgot what's going on outside my oh-so-small world.

Oh by the way, I'm not trying to make a difference in the world. I'm no writer, nor am I a poet. I'm not here to inspire people or push for world peace. This is just me putting fragments of 'things' in a blog.

Let this challenge begin..... (hehe, it's almost as bad as dieting or better yet new years resolution). Goodnight.
posted by ri0 @ 12:44 AM


OOoooppss! It took me two weeks to get another blog up and yep, I have already forgotten my password from my other blog. I am so embarassed! I'm such a silly goose! I can't believe it. :P I have been so busy with work with just one day off in between the weeks. Now I'm actually stuck in bed sick. Of course that gives me a chance to go online. Woohoo bonus for me!

Well I thought I'd post my old ones anyway for the sake of it.