Thursday, September 01, 2005


Who would have thought time flies so quickly?! So many things to say and digest, I don't know where to start. Okay, I've been lazy - avoiding exercise! Right this moment I am dressed in my bike-riding gear and of course I'm online! Figure that one out guys! Well it is bloody freezing outside and has been very windy the last few days. (FYI, I do bike ride even if it is drizzling). Just a recap from the last few days of August and tomorrow is the first day of spring! :)

* Coffee is addictive. It's even worse when someone gives you a professional coffee machine for your wedding and you can't stop making coffee!!!

* Food overload. My cousin's 21st, girls night out and to top it off a Greek gathering - my hubby's cousin's first communion/party.

* The Skeleton Key is not scary. Creepy at times but of course my friends and I watched it for Kate Hudson.

* Weekend is time for warehouse shopping. I know you would have thought I've learnt my lesson after the Seduce Warehouse sale but I haven't. It's definitely addictive.

* Since coffee is so addictive, I'm starting to drink tea. I'm on tea training. That means English breakfast tea with milk and a dash of sugar. No herbals yet!

* Filing all your personal information and paperwork is a HUGE task. Yes that includes all the paper cuts too.

* Oh and getting your driver's license photo is no fun when you haven't washed/combed your hair, haven't had your eyebrows waxed for almost 5 weeks, no make up on your face and you just rushed to pay for your license from work.

Nuff said. Except I'll get my driver's license in the next 10 working days. Ugh.


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