Sunday, August 21, 2005

The tale of the missing curtain.

Everyone loves a bargain. So when I saw the seduce warehouse sale on, I knew I had to go. Despite Melbourne’s weather competing with London’s grey skies, (it was pretty grey the whole day and at work we all thought that it was already night time by 4:30pm) I rang one of my friends to come with me to Prahran.

Marching our way to Greville Street, I didn’t know why I was excited. (Must have been the shopping withdrawals I’ve had the last few weeks). Anyway as per usual we saw the usual crowd of girls hoarding all the sexy dresses and tops. I didn’t see anything super special although my friend and I decided to try on a few.

There we were itching to get to the fitting rooms with our potential buys when all of the sudden my friend said, “Sh*t there’s no curtains.” “Okay let’s go to the next one”. I said. The same thing! It was no bargain or give it a go. So my friend and I took courage and went in the ‘so-called’ fitting rooms.

I know I’ve already had my fat moment whinge on my last blog. But sheez, talk about giving myself a complex with this experience! There we were on the corner hiding our unkempt winter bodies like we were back in high school PE. While these xs-small girls would parade around in knickers and bra IN FRONT OF THE ONLY MIRROR in that stupid fitting-room. (Okay maybe fitting area more like it!) Of course there’s one particular girl who had to look exceptionally good in her undies and HEELS. Every dress she tried on looked good that other girls were commenting on her too. There she was slinking her way into ‘I can be in the party pictures section in Herald-Sun paper’ dress. She turned around and of course she has to be someone popular from my high school. (This is the same girl who carries a designer bag then puts it on middle of the nightclub floor to dance). Talk about reliving high school! It was definitely a sign telling us it was time to go, so we bolted outta there with our stuff. (At least we didn't come out empty handed. YAY!)


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