Monday, August 08, 2005

25 on 15

It was my birthday last month on St. Buenaventure’s day. I was suppose to blog about it at that time but got caught up with so many things. Don’t ask me why I even forgot my haircut appointment the following day. :P I want to thank everyone who remembered to greet me on that day. It was really sweet considering that I didn’t want to celebrate the day. Nevertheless, it was a great day spending time with family and friends for dinner!

Curious what my husband got me for my birthday as his wife? Of course, clothes and shoes. Plus a bonus he took me to Barcelona. Not in Spain, (oh how I wish!). But yes it is this really cool tapas place in St. Kilda. He brought me there because it reminded him of our trip overseas a few months ago. *sigh*

Since that’s old news, I have to start saving money for all these fabulous Leos celebrating their day. You know who you guys are. ;)


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