Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Don’t they look gigantic? These calamansi or kumquats are from my parents’ backyard. They look like they have been in steroids. Believe it or not my dad has always had a green thumb. He grows anything and everything even from those seed packets. On the other hand, my mum can kill a plant within 5 days later. I could not believe how enormous those calamansi are! Especially when you squeeze them, you get so much juice out of them it’s fantastic! Trust me it was so handy when I was sick a few weeks back. I literally swam in calamansi juice! I remember as a kid you’d have calamansi juice and it’s always made in a jar, (preferably those Tang glass jugs) and it would be so yummy I’d drink two glasses with my meals. Then get into trouble for not eating the rice. (Sorry ma!)

If only I could grow calamansi in my own garden. (Not that I have my own place right this moment). Maybe I should ask my dad to add lime trees too. Hmm... :).

body stuff, home stuff...

Ohhh, guess what I found?! I could not believe they have KIT in Bourke Street Myers. I was just ecstatic! It was like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I dunno, I felt like I was possessed better yet compelled to buy everything. Okay I raved on about Kleins in Brunswick (hey the stock Melbourne’s Sohum scrubs you know). I must admit KIT is pretty cool. I don’t find it as intimidating going through things like in Mecca Cosmetica or your usual make-up counter. The L’annine hand cream is divine! I have the mango scented one. For someone who washes their hands more than 50 times a day (health and work reasons of course) I’ve tried a variety of hand creams. From your Coles hand crème lotion to Body Shop Hemp lotion, et al, I have tried them all. This one does not feel to greasy on your skin same time hydrates it even when you are wearing chemo gloves everyday. Hehe… (Hmmm, maybe I should put this in

And speaking of scents and candles, I even bought a home spray. Mango and Tangerine blend is delicious! Apparently it’s a top seller. From the stinky toilet to kitchen smell, the spray is smells very lovely. I just forgot what it is called but you’d see it in Kit. J When I got home I thought I’d get into trouble from my husband buying all these bath/beauty stuff. But he totally LOVED it too. Hehe.. I even got my friend and her husband buying stuff from Kit. Watch out, you don’t come out empty handed. Btw their website is

Friday, October 14, 2005

Je ne comprends pas....

I don’t understand. That was probably the only thing I could say to french speaking people other than my ‘bonjour!’ or ‘merci’. As much as I love the country when my husband and I went last May. I just couldn’t understand most of the things they tell me. Surprisingly, French people are very friendly. Well the ones I’ve encountered were all friendly except for a Monaco lady (which btw I won’t even go there). I even met a couple that spoke English to me while we waited in the Uffizi gallery line in Florence. I had such a ball when I was in France that when I boarded the plane on the way back home I promised myself to learn a language. Hmmm, my French struggled big time during the tour. Everyone understood my Spanish or Italian but not French. (Thank goodness for St. Als during my high school years). So off I went to enrol myself in CAE French 1A.

Classes started about 5-6 weeks ago. You should have seen my enthusiasm going back to studying. I was so excited being back to school in the city. My school is so close to all these great coffee/cake shops (okay I just meant one cake shop, Brunetti’s), the Westin hotel, Chanel, Collins Street, Alice Euphocemia, Kinky Gerlinki and even the coppers! I don’t even stress out coming out of school really late at night because it’s proximity to everything! Talk about heaps of fun every Monday night.

Then came to the fifth week. Not only my French grammar sucked, my nasal accent is terrible. Okay I felt like I’m going to the gym, you know excited at first, sucked the rest. Geewhiz, I admire all those people who go to work, take care of kids/etc, and do yoga/some physical activity and goes to school. Obviously I didn’t realise that it was a lot of dedication. (Duh).

I’m halfway through French 1A by next week and I’ve come to realise that I have learnt a lot. Even though I struggle with the grammar, it’s a good stress relief for me. I’m really glad that I’m studying. Again. Flicking back to those honeymoon pics, sure does bring a lot of memory. And a lot more perseverance to learn.

(Btw, this is one of my fave pics when I was travelling. Cute eh?)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Spring Update

Yes I am aware that I am definitely slack. It just shows after 2 months blogging, I haven’t updated my blog for almost a month. Boohoo, doesn’t matter. :) I have started jotting down some notes what to write in my blog just in case I forget. And yes I thought about cutting my blog shorter instead of my 1500 word essays. Here we go:

Sails by the Bay. (website:

Start of the month Wazza and I got an invitation to go to a fancy surprise birthday party for one of Warren’s high school friend. (I tell you now he has a really lovely gf who ORGANISED EVERYTHING). Anyhoo, it was one of the loveliest places I’ve been for a long time. Oh and did I tell you it felt like his high school, St. Kevin’s reunion? I thought it was going to be full of geeky guys but to my surprise they were uber-nice people. No one pretentious whatsoever. It was such a relief that we had good company and great food.

Oh I had to add this in because I’ve been meaning to tell Cherie but oh well she just gotta read it here. There’s one guy there I’m sure you would have had liked. I thought of Arni but I think Chez, you and cute guy are well suited. His name is Richard and he’s very cute. Well dressed, sharp, quite funny and very charming. Did I tell you Chez that he was wearing a pair of Tiffany’s cufflinks? I thought it was very noice. To cut things short, Wazza told me not to scare Richard and don’t give out friends’ numbers. Poo. :(

(Btw that's our view from the Sails on the bay).

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Who would have thought time flies so quickly?! So many things to say and digest, I don't know where to start. Okay, I've been lazy - avoiding exercise! Right this moment I am dressed in my bike-riding gear and of course I'm online! Figure that one out guys! Well it is bloody freezing outside and has been very windy the last few days. (FYI, I do bike ride even if it is drizzling). Just a recap from the last few days of August and tomorrow is the first day of spring! :)

* Coffee is addictive. It's even worse when someone gives you a professional coffee machine for your wedding and you can't stop making coffee!!!

* Food overload. My cousin's 21st, girls night out and to top it off a Greek gathering - my hubby's cousin's first communion/party.

* The Skeleton Key is not scary. Creepy at times but of course my friends and I watched it for Kate Hudson.

* Weekend is time for warehouse shopping. I know you would have thought I've learnt my lesson after the Seduce Warehouse sale but I haven't. It's definitely addictive.

* Since coffee is so addictive, I'm starting to drink tea. I'm on tea training. That means English breakfast tea with milk and a dash of sugar. No herbals yet!

* Filing all your personal information and paperwork is a HUGE task. Yes that includes all the paper cuts too.

* Oh and getting your driver's license photo is no fun when you haven't washed/combed your hair, haven't had your eyebrows waxed for almost 5 weeks, no make up on your face and you just rushed to pay for your license from work.

Nuff said. Except I'll get my driver's license in the next 10 working days. Ugh.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The tale of the missing curtain.

Everyone loves a bargain. So when I saw the seduce warehouse sale on, I knew I had to go. Despite Melbourne’s weather competing with London’s grey skies, (it was pretty grey the whole day and at work we all thought that it was already night time by 4:30pm) I rang one of my friends to come with me to Prahran.

Marching our way to Greville Street, I didn’t know why I was excited. (Must have been the shopping withdrawals I’ve had the last few weeks). Anyway as per usual we saw the usual crowd of girls hoarding all the sexy dresses and tops. I didn’t see anything super special although my friend and I decided to try on a few.

There we were itching to get to the fitting rooms with our potential buys when all of the sudden my friend said, “Sh*t there’s no curtains.” “Okay let’s go to the next one”. I said. The same thing! It was no bargain or give it a go. So my friend and I took courage and went in the ‘so-called’ fitting rooms.

I know I’ve already had my fat moment whinge on my last blog. But sheez, talk about giving myself a complex with this experience! There we were on the corner hiding our unkempt winter bodies like we were back in high school PE. While these xs-small girls would parade around in knickers and bra IN FRONT OF THE ONLY MIRROR in that stupid fitting-room. (Okay maybe fitting area more like it!) Of course there’s one particular girl who had to look exceptionally good in her undies and HEELS. Every dress she tried on looked good that other girls were commenting on her too. There she was slinking her way into ‘I can be in the party pictures section in Herald-Sun paper’ dress. She turned around and of course she has to be someone popular from my high school. (This is the same girl who carries a designer bag then puts it on middle of the nightclub floor to dance). Talk about reliving high school! It was definitely a sign telling us it was time to go, so we bolted outta there with our stuff. (At least we didn't come out empty handed. YAY!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

search of the skinny leg jean

Definitely having girly fat moments.... To those girls who doesn't get 'em fat moments... can leave my blog now... :P hehe

I’ve been dreading this for a long time now. I know it’s been cold this winter, eating crap, well really rich food and no outdoor activities. I’ve been looking at so many magazine covering the spring collection that I decided to look around and update my clothes.

Boy was that a big mistake! Those Lee supa-skinny jeans in peachy pink were an absolute shocker. Maybe in black? Hmmm... Not only I came out empty-handed (which is a good thing I suppose), but I had a definite reality check. Ouch. Imagine if I even tried a pair of Tsubi jeans? HA! I’m not even gonna go there. Then again... Pls tell me I'm not the only one that take hours better yet a couple of window shopping before I can get the 'perfect' pair of jeans? Too short? too low? flat butt? sausage legs?

Enough whinging. Two words for me, "get off yer ass rio!" haha... okay maybe five? :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

PJs - outwear trendspotting

Okay so we've seen Lindsay Lohan strutting around the airport in her pink pjs. But it doesn't justify people or specifically young girls wearing them outside the comforts of their rooms! Seriously I've seen at least four chicks in less than a week taking it to extreme and wearing them to shopping centres, maccas and better yet to school. Yes they are comfortable. They are warm this winter and I must agree they make them really cute nowadays especially Peter Alexander Pjs. But for everyday look? I know the bed head hair look caught up a few years ago. But do we really want to look like we just woke up? Okay I'll confess I was wearing my sleepwear and gown to dash to the milk bar to buy milk one morning. Imagine if everyone just wear their PJs to work? We might as well just wake up and brush our teeth. Don't bother brushing your hair. Oh better yet don't bother brushing your teeth at all... It's the new "I definitely just woke up look".

Hey that's one good thing, maybe that way no one should be late for school or work at all.